1. THE FLASH of Earth-One (Barry Allen) - A police scientist struck by lightning and splashed with chemicals in his lab, Barry became the Fastest Man on Earth!
2. KID FLASH (Wally West) - A freak accident, similar to the one which gave The Flash his super-speed, endowed Wally with similar powers.
3. THE FLASH of Earth-Two (Jay Garrick) - While researching heavy water at university, Jay was overcome by fumes and gained super-speed.
4. QUICKSILVER (Unknown) - originally a circus acrobat, the mysterious Quicksilver is a super-speedster and accomplished chemist.
5. JOHNNY QUICK (Johnny Chambers) - A newsreel photographer who can gain fantastic speed and flying powers by reciting a secret formula.
6. GOLD - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.
7. LEAD - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.
8. TIN - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.
9. IRON - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.
10. MERCURY - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.
11. TINA - (aka PLATINUM) - Robot of the famed Metal Men, possessing all the qualities of the element.

12. CAPTAIN COLD (Leonard Snart) - Accidental inventor of his cold gun, enabling him to instantly freeze whatever he trains it on.
13. DOC MAGNUS - Inventor of the Responsometer and creator of the Metal Men.
14. CAPTAIN BOOMERANG (George "Digger" Harkness) - Failed toy promoter and performer, Digger turned his innate ability with Boomerangs into a criminal enterprise.

15. THE WASP (Unknown) - An inventor swindled by unscrupulous businessmen, he donned wings and went to punish them with lethal injections.
16. GORILLA GRODD - Highly intelligent gorilla, possessing extensive telepathic abilities. Grodd hails from Gorilla City, where a race of intelligent gorillas live in peace and harmony.
17. MIRROR MASTER (Sam Scudder) - Former convict obsessed with utilizing mirrors and science to become one-dimensional and travel in that dimension, utilizing its special properties.
18. HEAT WAVE (Mick Rory) - Obsessed with fire, Rory's pyromania and expertise in pyrotechnics lead him to create a flame-throwing handgun, capable of intense heat at a distance.
19. THE TOP (Roscoe Dillon) - Able to spin at incredible speeds, which also increased his ability to think quickly, Dillon has strong telekinetic abilities.
20. WEATHER WIZARD (Mark Mardon) - Weilder of the Weather Wand, capable of creating any type of weather phenomena.
21. ABRA KADABRA (Citizen Abra) - Armed with 64th Century technology, Kadabra's abilities seem like magic.
22. THE TRICKSTER (James Jesse) - A talented inventor, Jesse created shoes that allow him to fly, along with many technical joke-themed weapons.
23. PIED PIPER (Harley Rathaway) - Born deaf and implanted with early cocklear technology, the Piper became obsessed with sound, experimenting with sonic technology that eventually enabled him to control others and turned to crime.
24. MISTER ELEMENT/DOCTOR ALCHEMY (Albert Desmond) - A chemist suffering from dissociative identity disorder, Desmond used his knowledge of chemistry to create powerful weapons and engaged in crimes facilitated by those weapons.
25. REVERSE FLASH (Eobard Thawne, aka Professor Zoom) - Genius from the 25th Century, Thawne used a costume of The Flash found in a time capsule to give himself super speed.